CIDR,Sprint and the Big Guys.

Marc E. Hidalgo mhidalgo at
Fri Apr 5 10:14:12 UTC 1996

On Thu, 4 Apr 1996, Christian Nielsen wrote:

> 	I think we all agree that CIDR is a good thing, I have no 
> problems with it and feel that we should use it as best we can.

We all agree there.

> problems that I see, yes I know this has been said before, it is getting 
> harder and harder for the little guy to get IPs from the Nic.

We have the same harder and harder time getting addresses too.

> Now that 
> Sprint is saying that you now need a /16 to route over their network,

wrong. it is /18 in 207/8

> I don't see the nic just handing out /16s like they did with the /19 or 
> before that the /20s etc.. 
That is true, but with a good network plan and swib your current addresses
you should be able to get a /18 on a new allocation if you can justify it.
else get from an already aggregated block
> 	And Just because I have nothing else to do, except work, sleep, 
> work, internet, eat, work, sleep, I did some looking around.

me too, just none of that sleep stuff these daze ;-)

> [21]/export/home/c/cnielsen> whois
>    Netblock: -
> 	Here now shows that Sprint is getting a /15 from the nic and that 
> they can now server more customers, move their ips around with little 
> problem, etc. But what about some other ISP? Can they get a /15? Nope. 
> But I bet you that if Sprint wanted to or even MCI for that matter, they 
> could get a /14 or a /13 from the nic.

We have to justify all ip blocks just like anyone else. We maintain an 
excess of 90% utilization before asking for more. 

> 	How can we solve this problem? How can we make sure that everyone 
> has equal access to IP addresses to make IP addresses usable around the 
> Net, save on router memory etc? This is how I would do it.
> 	Move into the -
> 	Any ISP/NSP that can provide a good network outline, showing not 
> only how they plan to put into pratice but show their current setup, 
> locations, etc. will be assigned a /16 in the range above. That would 
> give about 1200 ISPs /16s. 

Guess what. that is exactly how you get what you are asking for from the 
registry. In fact even if you can only justify a /19 now but have a good
plan, a /18 or better is usually reserved for you and the /19 allocated.
If you make good on your plan your /19 becomes a /18 etc.

> ...deleted...


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