William Manning bmanning at is.rice.edu
Mon Nov 15 03:45:43 UTC 1993

	--== Warning, You may see many copies of this ==--
 a mailing list has been set up to discuss inter-operational network
 issues.  the list has all those who voiced an interest from the recent
 IETF meeting, as well as from the regional-techs meeting and the last
 IEPG meeting.  In addition, several other networks who do not seem to 
 be active in any of these fora are on the list.  w/o additional information,
 i have not yet included the cix folks (can someone give me a clue?)
 there is not yet enough participation by private, commercial nets,
 nor alternative commercial IP providers and BBS gateway providers.
 the intent is to identify a set of operational concerns that can be
 discussed starting in a series of meetings in early spring '94 
 in the IETF ORAD sponsored BOF.  This list and following meetings
 are -OPEN- to operators of networks.  Active, vigourous participation
 is encouraged. (Are your razor blades clean? :-) The list should include 
 the largest audience of network operations folk that it can. Please 
 diseminate widely.
 Please let me know what corrections to make and ideas to add to the
 list for discussion.  The target is adgenda creation for the BOF.
 (and perhaps other meetings)
 	qed at rice.edu		- The list
 	qed-request at rice.edu 	- how to get on/off

A brief review of the history should be forthcoming, and a draft of basic
definitions, along with a few proposed adgenda items in the next week
or so.  

Special thanks to Andrew, Ran, Scott, Gene, Mark, Geoff, Bernhard, Elise & Eric
bill manning
third assistant vice-president
schenectady consolidated nail-file & eyebrow tweezer corporation

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